So let's assume that we revised all the issue that we received in the Checking panel. We assigned them to responsilble project teams. Now we need to communicate in some way that clashes are waiting for teams. How do we do that?
For this purpose, we use issue reports. There are many ways you can create an issue report. Most popular forms are:
<aside> 🗣 What I recommend is to create issue reports as BCF!
In short - BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) is another open standard used in the construction industry. It facilites seamless communication around models.
Taking a mobile phone analogy we can treat BCF like Whatsapp of BIM. Using it we can send model markups, comments, tasks, attachments, screenshots, between all project members.
<aside> 💡 If you want to know more about BCF format - **Read more here.** and check this Iconographic !
Creating BCF reports in Solibri is very simple.